Monteiro vagaba por el Lido de Venezia como un satelite sin planeta de apartenencia. Se lo notaba, gracias a su notable estructura osea y extraña 'aurea'... Una especie de Buster Keaton. Murio' de cancer unos pocos años despuès. lo suyo es un universio para sondear. MUY especial.

A Comédia de Deus (1995)
João de Deus spends his days quietly. He divides his time between his job at the Paradise Ice Cream Parlour where, to everyone’s satisfaction and delight, he not only carries out his duties as manager, but also invents the house-speciality, the renowned “Paradise” ice-cream; and his home, where he invariaby spends his free time alone, either doing the housework or lovingly going through his collection of female, pubic hairs in a trerasured album which he calls his Book of Thoughts.
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