viernes, julio 09, 2010
jueves, julio 08, 2010
Il partigiano Johnny - I ventitrè giorni della città di Alba (RESISTENZA)
miércoles, julio 07, 2010
martes, julio 06, 2010
Suena familiar, o no?
Hear! Hear!
"Tenès que estar en facebuk, loco...!!
1984 es la antiutopía o distopía más célebre de todas cuantas fueron escritas durante la primera mitad del siglo XX. En ella, Orwell presenta un futuro en el que una dictadura totalitaria interfiere hasta tal punto en la vida privada de los ciudadanos que resulta imposible escapar a su control. La odisea de Winston Smith en un Londres dominado por el Gran Hermano y el partido único se puede interpretar como una crítica de toda dictadura, aunque en las analogías con el comunismo estalinista resultan evidentes, dada la trayectoria vital del autor. La novela cobra nueva vigencia en la sociedad actual, en la que el control a los ciudadanos, coercitivo o no, se halla más perfeccionado que en ningún otro momento de la historia de la Humanidad. Por último, veremos la influencia de la obra en la cultura del siglo XX, tanto en su vertiente literaria como en la cinematográfica.
Beethoven dixit:
"mi è parso impossibile lasciare questo mondo prima di avere pienamente realizzato ciò di cui mi sentivo capace, così ho prolungato questa vita miserabile -veramente miserabile, un corpo così sensibile che qualsiasi cambiamento un po' brusco può trasformare il mio stato di salute da ottimo a pessimo"
Mira Vos!

In BP Offshore Oil Strike, the first player to earn $120,000,000 wins.
LONDON -- An obscure BP-themed board game in which players aim to avoid rig disasters has become an unexpected hit at a British toy museum.
BP Offshore Oil Strike was released in the early 1970s and allows up to four players to explore for oil, build platforms and construct pipelines. The first player to earn $120,000,000 wins.
Its "hazard cards" include "Blow-out! Rig damaged. Oil slick clean-up costs. Pay $1million."
BP announced Monday that it has spent $3.12 billion dealing with the Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
The game was recently donated to the House on the Hill Toy Museum in Stansted, Essex.
"The parallels between the game and the current crisis... are so spooky," museum owner Alan Goldsmith told Britain's Metro newspaper. "The picture on the front of the box is so reminiscent to the disaster with the stormy seas, the oil rig and an overall sense of doom.
"I was just knocked over by how relevant this game is, despite being made some 35 years ago, to BP’s troubles today."
Goldsmith said the game is worth about £75 ($115).
lunes, julio 05, 2010
El Gran Maestro! (en Castellano)