sábado, octubre 17, 2009
Ay... que lindos recuerdos!
The Times, London, 18 October 1973
The Times Diary
Beating their privileged bottoms
Press cutting -- CLICK TO ENLARGE -- Image will open in a new windowThe Labour Party's plan to abolish public schools will have raised in the minds of many a former inmate one of the ironies of the public school system. Privileged parents spend fortunes sending their sons to schools where, even as recently as the sixties, they could be beaten savagely.
It seemed timely to check on the incidence of caning in public schools. There is far less of it these days than there was 15 years ago, according to Robert St John Pitts-Tucker, secretary of the Headmasters' Conference. "It's a hoary old question", he said, wondering why a quality paper like ours should be interested.
From a survey of seven major public schools, my reporter found, oddly, that beating was a punishment not used for serious offences. One school, Ampleforth, has abandoned the cane altogether.
The Master of Wellington College, Francis Fisher, says: "The tendency to beat boys was fading out by the end of the fifties. At Wellington I have the right to beat boys and housemasters have the right to beat boys.
Yet, he says, 90 per cent of the boys at Wellington (fees, £813 a year) will go through school without being beaten. Other forms of punishment -- the denial of privileges, for instance -- are found to be more effective. Fisher says that caning is not a suitable punishment for a difficult boy but is sometimes suitable for a good boy who has made a fool of himself, perhaps by being discourteous.
Some believe that there is no corporal punishment at Gordonstoun (average fee £948), the educational seat of the male branch of the Royal Family. The belief is wrong.
The headmaster, John Kempe, says corporal punishment is occasionally used on younger boys but that no boy over 16 is beaten. He says that boys "might get the slipper" if, for instance, they go out beer-drinking.
My reporter was unable to get a statement from Michael McCrum, Headmaster of Eton, about corporal punishment. The school's prospectus makes no mention of the subject. Yet boys at Eton (fees £861) are caned.
William Stewart, Master of Haileybury (£840 a year), say: "Generally, the younger boys are beaten, and usually for things such as vandalism or bullying. But it is up to the discretion of the housemaster which boy gets the cane, since he knows best the psychological and physical make-up of the boys in his house.
At Lancing (fees: £780), the Headmaster, Ian Beer, says: "I have a cane and several of my housemasters have canes, but it is unlikely that more than one boy a year is beaten."
He said that persistent anti-social behaviour -- such as rudeness to domestic servants -- would be regarded as a serious offence, but adds: "We like to find the reason for the anti-social behaviour. Very often the boy needs some sort of guidance -- not the cane."
James Woodhouse, who has been Headmaster of Rugby (fees: £897) for seven years, says that he and his housemasters use the cane. Never more than six strokes at a time are administered. Lancing's maximum is three and Haileybury's four.
The Times, London, 18 October 1973
The Times Diary
Beating their privileged bottoms
Press cutting -- CLICK TO ENLARGE -- Image will open in a new windowThe Labour Party's plan to abolish public schools will have raised in the minds of many a former inmate one of the ironies of the public school system. Privileged parents spend fortunes sending their sons to schools where, even as recently as the sixties, they could be beaten savagely.
It seemed timely to check on the incidence of caning in public schools. There is far less of it these days than there was 15 years ago, according to Robert St John Pitts-Tucker, secretary of the Headmasters' Conference. "It's a hoary old question", he said, wondering why a quality paper like ours should be interested.
From a survey of seven major public schools, my reporter found, oddly, that beating was a punishment not used for serious offences. One school, Ampleforth, has abandoned the cane altogether.
The Master of Wellington College, Francis Fisher, says: "The tendency to beat boys was fading out by the end of the fifties. At Wellington I have the right to beat boys and housemasters have the right to beat boys.
Yet, he says, 90 per cent of the boys at Wellington (fees, £813 a year) will go through school without being beaten. Other forms of punishment -- the denial of privileges, for instance -- are found to be more effective. Fisher says that caning is not a suitable punishment for a difficult boy but is sometimes suitable for a good boy who has made a fool of himself, perhaps by being discourteous.
Some believe that there is no corporal punishment at Gordonstoun (average fee £948), the educational seat of the male branch of the Royal Family. The belief is wrong.
The headmaster, John Kempe, says corporal punishment is occasionally used on younger boys but that no boy over 16 is beaten. He says that boys "might get the slipper" if, for instance, they go out beer-drinking.
My reporter was unable to get a statement from Michael McCrum, Headmaster of Eton, about corporal punishment. The school's prospectus makes no mention of the subject. Yet boys at Eton (fees £861) are caned.
William Stewart, Master of Haileybury (£840 a year), say: "Generally, the younger boys are beaten, and usually for things such as vandalism or bullying. But it is up to the discretion of the housemaster which boy gets the cane, since he knows best the psychological and physical make-up of the boys in his house.
At Lancing (fees: £780), the Headmaster, Ian Beer, says: "I have a cane and several of my housemasters have canes, but it is unlikely that more than one boy a year is beaten."
He said that persistent anti-social behaviour -- such as rudeness to domestic servants -- would be regarded as a serious offence, but adds: "We like to find the reason for the anti-social behaviour. Very often the boy needs some sort of guidance -- not the cane."
James Woodhouse, who has been Headmaster of Rugby (fees: £897) for seven years, says that he and his housemasters use the cane. Never more than six strokes at a time are administered. Lancing's maximum is three and Haileybury's four.
Un extraño encuentro

En mi querido Mercado de San Cristobal, encuentro un volumencito amarillento de 'Colección Cientifica' Los Amorales dedicado (este numero, se entiende) a La Machonas (!).
Una joyita freak editada en epoca de represión bajo la justificación de ser una 'investigación', pero dando voz a ciertas 'deviaciones tapadas' (la flagelación, la homosexualidad) y cosas por el estilo.
Editoría Argentina de los años 50 muy graciosa al leerla unos 50 años después... o sea, ahora.
Aqui representado: otro numero de la serie, dedicado a Las Virgenes!
A los lectores:
En este número de la Colección Científica nos ocupamos del problema de la virginidad, problema muy agudo para la conciencia occidental. Moral e instinto se entrecruzan al pretender sondear este problema. En lo referente a la virginidad corre más el escepticismo que la fe por la mente de la mayoría de los hombres
Schopenhauer y Voltaire pueden contarse entre los clásicos escépticos. Este último comentó con su ironía característica: "Entre los méritos que asisten a Juana de Arco cabe señalar en forma destacada el que lograra conservar la virginidad durante un año". El dicho de P. Limayrac: "La virginidad es como la poesía: para los tontos no existe" marca sin duda el antípoda de la norma volteriana
En fin, cada una de nuestras lectoras y de nuestros lectores tendrá su idea formada al respecto (sería interesante que nos escribieran sobre ello)
El trabajo sobre Gide, el exquisito autor de "Si la semilla no muerte", "Corydon" y "Et nunc manet in te", que informa asimismo el presente volumen, encierra mucho interés pues señala notables detalles de la vida íntima de relevantes personalidades.
La segunda parte del trabajo sobre la flagelación será debidamente apreciada por la originalidad y la rareza de los textos y las ilustraciones, así también como este otro capítulo de la Prostitución masculina en París, que se debe a la pluma del ex jefe del Departamento de Costumbres de la policía parisina, cuyas pesquisas y observación en los bajos fondos de la amoralidad llegó a informar las obras de los eminentes sexólogos de este siglo, y cuyo nombre es F. Carlier.
Otras notas de interés y nuestra habitual y única" sección de correspondencia completan esta sexta edición de la Colección Científica que entregamos a la amable consideración de nuestros lectores.
Los Amorales publicación periódico de temas científicos, literarios e históricos. Director: Rodolfo Alberto Seijas.
Colaboradores Estables:
Janos Zudeski.
Saúl Nervo.
Estela Blood.
Martha Sthendal.
Profesor Adolfo Boquini.
Que placer....
viernes, octubre 16, 2009
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