sábado, noviembre 24, 2007
viernes, noviembre 23, 2007
Well, well,well...

Si uno mira una célula humana al microscopio, no parece compartir muchas características con una bacteria. Pero así como los lingüistas han podido establecer que todos los lenguajes humanos tienen un origen común, del mismo modo es evidente que toda la vida celular tiene un origen común. El ancestro de toda la vida terrestre ha sido bautizado LUCA, sigla inglesa de Last Universal Common Ancestor (Último Ancestro Común Universal).
El hecho de que LUCA había existido se tornó obvio en los años 60, cuando el código genético fue descifrado y se lo demostró universal. A cuarenta años de la decodificación del ADN, los científicos intentan hoy reconstruir a LUCA, pero el retrato de este remoto organismo se complica al descubrirse nuevas realidades en la historia evolutiva de la vida.
Toda la vida en nuestro planeta provino de LUCA, y a él debemos nuestra existencia misma.
Largest U.S.-Mexican tunnel is discovered
In late January, 2006, the largest smuggling tunnel to date was found on the US-Mexico border. The 2400-foot-long (720m) tunnel runs from a warehouse near the Tijuana airport to a warehouse in San Diego. When discovered, it was devoid of people, but it did contain 2 tons of marijuana. It was 5 feet high and up to 90 feet deep. The floor was made of cement and the walls were dried dirt, with lights lining one side and a ventilation system to keep fresh air circulating. Authorities said it was unclear how long the tunnel had been in operation.
In late January, 2006, the largest smuggling tunnel to date was found on the US-Mexico border. The 2400-foot-long (720m) tunnel runs from a warehouse near the Tijuana airport to a warehouse in San Diego. When discovered, it was devoid of people, but it did contain 2 tons of marijuana. It was 5 feet high and up to 90 feet deep. The floor was made of cement and the walls were dried dirt, with lights lining one side and a ventilation system to keep fresh air circulating. Authorities said it was unclear how long the tunnel had been in operation.
jueves, noviembre 22, 2007
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