Moving molecules moléculas en movimiento molecule in movimento a volte si raffreddano a veces se enfrian at times grow cooler a veces se calientan sometimes grow hot a volte si scaldano
Moving molecules moléculas en movimiento molecule in movimento a volte si raffreddano a veces se enfrian at times grow cooler a veces se calientan sometimes grow hot a volte si scaldano
3 comentarios:
Mi 10 películas:
Ladri di Biciclette
Vittorio De Sica
Top Secret
Jim Abrahams
David Zucker
Star Wars (IV, V & VI)
George Lucas
M. Night Shyamalan
Tuesdays with Morrie
Mick Jackson
The Fisher King
Terry Gilliam
Finding Graceland
David Winkler
The Wrestler
Darren Aronofsky
Michael Mann
The Soloist
Joe Wright
y las mías que se me ocurren hoy:
*The Meaning of life/
*Life of Brian
(Monty Python)
*Synecdoche, New York- C.Kaufman
*This is Spinal Tap - R.Reiner
*Who framed Roger Rabbit?
*The Wild Blue Yonder- W.Herzog
*The Holy Mountain -A. Jodorowsky
*Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas/
*Baron Munchausen/
*The Fountain -D.Aronofsky
*Yellow Submarine
*Brain Candy -The Kids in the Hall
*Rubin and Ed- T.Harris
*Being John Malkovich /
*Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind -Michel Gondry
*Crumb -Terry Zwigoff (ok, es un documental)guacam
y Ed Wood, de Tim Burton...
y Glen or Glenda, de Ed Wood...
y tantas otras...
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