"Scissor Man" (XTC)
Snipping, snipping, snipping goes the scissor manPutting end to evil doers gamesSnipping, snipping, snipping goes the scissor manMaybe you are in his book of namesMaybe you are in his book of namesSo be kind and helpful to your motherJust think twice before you try and stealWhen he cuts with sticky silver snippersYou may find the wounds will never healAll self made bad boysIf you refuse to believe he existYou won't be frightened when you find outYou're on his listYou're on his listYou're on his listSo be good and never poison peopleJust think twice before the deed is doneWhen you wake up guilty in the morningYou may find important pieces gone.
The Original Hoffman story:
The Story of Little Suck-a-ThumbOne day Mamma said "Conrad dear,I must go out and leave you here.But mind now, Conrad, what I say,Don't suck your thumb while I'm away.The great tall tailor always comesTo little boys who suck their thumbs;And ere they dream what he's about,He takes his great sharp scissors out,And cuts their thumbs clean off--and then,You know, they never grow again."Mamma had scarcely turned her back,The thumb was in, Alack! Alack!The door flew open, in he ran,The great, long, red-legged scissor-man.Oh! children, see! the tailor's comeAnd caught out little Suck-a-Thumb.Snip! Snap! Snip! the scissors go;And Conrad cries out "Oh! Oh! Oh!"Snip! Snap! Snip! They go so fast,That both his thumbs are off at last.Mamma comes home: there Conrad stands,And looks quite sad, and shows his hands;"Ah!" said Mamma, "I knew he'd comeTo naughty little Suck-a-Thumb."
1 comentario:
wow! no sabía cómo era la historia original...intentaré no chuparme el dedo pero...¿no estaremos igual todos en la lista?
qué lindo cuando aparecen los XTC, por aquí y por cualquier lado, me sonríe el alma...
"Scissor man", gran canción del "Drum & Wires" (aka "Boom-Dada-Boom"), el disco de XTC que nació cuando yo nacía.
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