Hi! I'm Jim Dime, ... hey! call me Jimmy.
I had to tell teacher just what I thought, when she said we should all learn to get along a little better on this planet.
She said " You Kids may not know it, but an evil German man who was building missiles for Hitler in WWII 'saw the light' and decided to lend 'the good guys' a helping hand. That man, whose name was Hank Brown (although in his country it's spelled different) helped us put Man on the moon!"
I thought to myself... "Yeah! .. and a few thousand in their tombs, Ha! Ha!"
Then in my Homework Essay I wrote about 'My favourite Mosque', saying that it's the one which OUR minarets flatten out. Get it?!
I think SHE didn't get it, cause she called my folks the next day, and Mom was pissed but Dad just laughed, and said he'd suspend my subscription to Firearms Weekly if this occured agin.
Here's a Pic of one of our first. Sure looks like that V2 from the BIG War, huh?! Guess Hank Brown helped make it.
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